
e-book: The Best Book of pH Balance - think, breath, drink and eat in the natural way


e-book: The Best Book of pH Balance – think, breath, drink and eat in the natural way


Kun luet tämän kirjan, ymmärrät mistä esim. osteoporoosi tulee ja mitä voit tehdä, jotta ei tule ikinä Sinulle, siis jos teet kuten käytännön ohjeissa on kerrottu. 

pH-tasapainoisella ruualla laihdut, vahvistut, pysyt hoikkana ja terveenä. pH-tasapainoruokavaliossa on hiilihydraatti- ja proteiinipitoisuus suhteellisen alhainen. pH-ruokavalio sisältää paljon hyviä, terveellisiä rasvoja ja runsaasti vihreitä vihanneksia.

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e-book: The Best Book of pH Balance

The e-book is not printed on paper. You can read an e-book only on a tablet, smartphone, iPad, Mac or computer. The e-book ordering instructions are at the end of this presentation – I ask that you look at the instructions from there, then you will get this book without shipping.

“We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are. ”

-Anais Nin

New and Best pH Balance Book is Complete and Published!

Dead foods and animal protein are very acidic

effect on your body and it causes inflammation.

Scientific and medical research has confirmed

The pH theory is an opportunity for e.g. cancer,

diabetes, heart disease, lupus, scarring connective tissue, and

for healthy weight loss and body as well as for the restoration

of mental well-being.

A pH-balanced diet increases your healthy

eating habits. In this diet

There is plenty of room for experimentation –

and even more for mistakes.

If I want to go out and eat

In a restaurant with delicious food, do it.

Have a joy about life, your body, and your mind 🙂

Your mind thinking and your body is feeling …


The book includes:

+ 224 x A4 pages, as pdf file

+ 138 x color photo or drawing

+ 8 tables

+ 51 105 words

+ Dishes to get you started – you will get delicacies


If you order the e-book, you can use this code: e-book in the shopping cart, then you get this book without shipping costs.

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