New pH-balance books

Now we have new pH balance books ready for your body and garden care.

  1. pH Balance
    – You are what you think, breathe, drink and eat. Dead food and animal protein have a very acidic effect on your body and cause inflammation. Scientific and medical research has confirmed that pH theory has the potential to be successful in, for example, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lupus, scarring of connective tissue and healthy weight, and to restore body and mind well-being. A pH-balanced diet increases healthy eating habits. There’s plenty of room for experimentation and even more mistakes in this diet. You will soon know what your body feels like. Rejoice in life, your body and your mind 🙂


  2. Create a Vegetable Paradise – Part 1, Tillage and Improvement

    Awesome flavors facilitator: Rauno Moilanen

    You can create a vegetable garden, that produces for you great harvests.

    This guide is introduced basic principles, that make it possible to get great hundreds of your vegetable lands. garden plot establishment and land improvement are underway stepped by step through pictures and texts. For example, liming and fertilizing land there are clear instructions and calculation formulas Good earth is the foundation of everything.

    If you follow some of the instructions in this guide to your own vegetable garden, you can get great results. This guide will help you to know how you can possibly create a vegetable garden that can produce proven for 7 years over 1000 kg of different vegetables about 150 m2, during one Finnish summer.

    This guide will teach you the rules of how a country’s pH balance works basics of vegetable comfort, tillage, and fertilization, the importance of timing, crop rotation, crop rotation, weeding, and harvesting.

    You can choose from abundant and healthy vegetable crops …. or you continue with the traditional model of fighting eg with snails from your crop – The choice is yours. I recommend you get this guide to help you update your crop to produce the harvest for you.


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